Defined as the quotient between the maximum and minimum absolute-values of both input arguments.
It can be used to guarantee that integer division is always greater than 0, which “preserves” the information of the operands.
PFP-style code in both Python and TypeScript, respectively:
from typing import Final, Callable
# there's `TypeVar` but `//` forces us to `def` 2 APIs
fabs_ratio: Final[Callable[[float, float], float]] = lambda x, y, /: (
lambda x, y: max(x, y) / min(x, y)
)(abs(x), abs(y))
iabs_ratio: Final[Callable[[int, int], int]] = lambda x, y, /: (
lambda x, y: max(x, y) // min(x, y)
)(abs(x), abs(y))
type numeric = number | bigint
max = <T extends numeric,>(x: T, y: T) =>
x < y ? y : x,
min = <T extends numeric,>(x: T, y: T) =>
x > y ? y : x,
abs = <T extends numeric,>(x: T) =>
x < 0 ? -x as T : x
const abs_ratio = <T extends numeric,>(x: T, y: T) =>
(max(abs(x), abs(y)) / min(abs(x), abs(y))) as T
// as of TS v5, those type-asserts are necessary: